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CORINE 1990 & 2006 Explicating of Satellite Images Project

The Scope and Objective of the Project: Nowadays, it is needed to determine the changing in order to interfere for changing of landuse rapidly, considering the economic and ecological decisions together, rational sourcing, making  environmentally-conscious laduse decisions. Computer supported visual interpretation approach is used that considering CLC methodology in Corine Land Cover (CLC) Project 2006. The years of 2000 and 2006 landuse maps have been cretaed. The years of 2000 and 2006 landuse statistics and land use changing statistics have been created. It is used 30m resolution Landsat -7 satellite images for the year 2000, 20m resolution Spot-4 and IRS-P6 satellite images for the year 2006, at the same time Ikonos satellite images have been used for city centres and their iner circles.

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